Step One - Get your own website.
If you have a product or service to sell, or if you've joined a network marketing program, you need to get your own website. Blogs are the simplest websites to create, and they get the highest search engine rankings quickly and easily. Create a blog about the product you are selling, and before you know it, people will be finding you through the search engines!
Step Two - Write articles.
No matter what product you decide to sell, you always have some knowledge on the subject. Turn that knowledge into an article, and submit it to article directories with a link back to your website. People will publish the content on their websites, with your link included, and you'll start getting traffic to your site through them.
Step Three - Social Networking
No matter what kind of product or service you're selling online, you need to get involved in some kind of social networking. You can use MySpace, Twitter, Facebook, or social bookmarking sites like Digg and Delicious to drive traffic to your website. Make friends with people who have like interests, and let them know when you have new content on your website. This is one of the fastest ways to build your online business, because when you give out free information on these sites, a lot of people will feel compelled to respond by purchasing something from you. Kind of like a "thank you" for the free information.
Use these three steps, and you too can make a living from home using the internet!
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