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Friday, September 4, 2009

Wealthy Principle and Online Home Businesses - The Commitment to Wealth

There are a number of key wealth principles that will greatly affect your financial outcome, should you choose to incorporate them into your life. The key wealth principle I will cover in this article is that you have to be committed to becoming rich and not just wanting to be rich. This means you have to remove those negative thoughts that you have about being rich. Some of you may think, "If I have a lot of money I won't know who my real friends are." Or you may think, "I could lose my health trying." With thoughts like that you will not be able to go forward in creating wealth because the desire of wanting to be rich is in the opposite direction of those thoughts. Your negative thoughts cause you to be double minded so that you take one step forward then one step back. You will sabotage your efforts because you're sending mixed signals to yourself.

Poor people often have a myriad of reasons why becoming rich is a problem; therefore, they are not absolutely sure they want to be wealthy. Whether we realize this or not, we receive what we subconsciously want, not what we say we want.

There are three levels of wanting that I will identify. The first "want" is if the money falls into your lap, you definitely want it! The second level of "want" is when you make a decision to choose wealth, and that means removing other alternatives and taking responsibility for the direction of your life. The second level is good and shows a certain level of dedication, but your likely hood of obtaining abundance is not as high as with the third level we will discuss next. The last level of "want" is committing yourself to obtaining wealth. That means devoting yourself completely to this goal and holding nothing back; doing whatever it takes morally, ethically and legally.

What keeps most of us from this third level is that we put conditions on what we are willing to do and not do, and how much we're willing to sacrifice for the goal.


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