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Thursday, August 20, 2009

How to Tell If the Internet Will Work For You - 10 Vital Tips

Tears sprang to my eyes, fear shot through my heart. In two months the unemployment benefits would be done, no more money! I had been to several interviews with no luck. I was growing more and more desperate, I had lost my car to repossession and now I felt like I was losing my sanity. This is when I decided to look online. Would I be able to find something online? I had to know, I began searching diligently for something which would work for me.

All sides:
What I found out was that working online is very different than working for someone, such as an employer with full benefits. I didn't have to wake up early in the morning to sit behind a desk all day.

Basic Benefits

• No Micromanagement
• Not Limited by a pay check for income potential
• Health Care, there were excellent options I never knew about
• No Boss

With these benefits, I wondered why this wouldn't work for me. But further research showed me that I would have to be able to get up and work for myself just like I worked for my boss. The exception is that I know I would be easier for me to deal with... It's in the Details. Research also showed me the things I did see that were essential to those who were very successful were things like:

• They found a program which would work for them
• Followed a Detailed Plan for their chosen program
• Had Support from the program
• Invested Minimal Money
• Had a Realistic Mindset, saw some immediate benefits but
• Had a Long Term perspective

After weighing the pros and cons in my mind, I decided to go for it. I really wanted to be able to put food on my table, because of my work not paying for someone else to live a better life than I. I had worked so hard for so many years. I knew that I owed it to myself to make it work with an online opportunity.


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