However, many people never consider the wonderful financial savings perks of starting a home business. To begin with, you will no longer be paying for the cost of travel to and from work. This means that you will be saving great sums of money in gas prices alone. Additionally, you can save money on meals that you would eating out on lunch breaks, now that you can cook more reasonably priced meals from home.
Still, the greatest perk of a home based business when it comes to finances is the numerous 'tax write offs' that you can collect! In fact, many people who run home based businesses are permitted to write off such things as computer repair and purchases. They can also write off common bills such as their Internet if they use it for business and in some cases electric and water bills.
In order for this to work you will have to keep records of all the bills that you incur over the year that are related to your home based business. You must also be able to prove that each of these items is crucial to the survival and operation of your business.
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