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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

6 Common Mistakes That Work at Home Moms Make Online

Here are 6 common mistakes that you can easily avoid. These are things that can cost you a lot of time and money if not taken seriously. It is much easier to learn it from someone else then to have to go through it yourself. So follow along...

1. Thinking That You Will Get Rich Over Night

This is something that beginners always fall for. There is so much false hype and advertising going on that most people are lead to believe that they only need to work on something one hour a day and they will be rich by next week. Although this may be true for the experienced mom, it will not be for the mom who just started out. Realize that you will need to put in effort upfront.

2. Promoting products you do not buy

How would you like it if someone tried to sell you something that they have never bought or tried, saying things like this is a breakthrough opportunity and what not? You can be shooting yourself in the foot if the product you're promoting sucks and you don't even know it. Buy it first, ok.

3. Avoiding Testing

Testing is the most important thing you need to persist on. By testing I mean you have to test which colors, images, text, placements, etc, will convert your visitors at a higher rate. Design your own testing Excel Sheets and implement.

4. Moving from strategy after strategy

There are so many people trying out the greatest newest strategy that they discover. They end up forgetting about the first one. An example would be starting out with SEO and article marketing and then switching to PPC. You will not learn anything if you go on this "killing spree." Start with one idea and rollout the other one's as time goes by.

5. Not applying what you learn

What is the point of paying $250 for a book if you are not going to apply the things it teaches you. You can do a good job of "memorizing" the whole thing but when it comes to actually using it, you say screw it. There are actually some sick people out there who get pleasure from just learning something. You have to also get pleasure from applying what you learn. If not, all is wasted.
6. Rejecting to build a list

A list is an asset. Believe me, one year from now you will be wishing you started building a list earlier. It is all about creating a relationship with people and then selling them "useful" things to help them out in their ventures. If you start now, you will reach a point where all you have to do is push a button, and you end up making $20,000 that day.


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